Important Parking Information 24-25 School Year

School is approaching quickly and it is time to prepare for your student drivers!  Senior and Junior students may apply for a parking spot at the following link:

Senior Students wishing to participate in parking spot painting may apply here:

7-12 Students wishing to be transported to/from school with a student driver (MUST FOLLOW ALL JUNIOR LICENSE LAWS):

Please be sure to fill out each application fully and completely and read all requirements. Students without a license may NOT apply. All students participating in the school to career program MUST have a parking spot or arranged ride. Please note, Junior parking spots will not be assigned until after August 1st, and Senior student spots are assigned in the order that applications and payments are received.  If a student does not have Senior or Junior status, but is old enough to drive, he/she may apply and will be considered for a parking spot after Seniors and Juniors receive their parking assignments.

Contact the High School Office with any questions or concerns: 717-647-2167.
